Hidden Talents

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Sometimes it's easy to forget about other skills we have. We're so wrapped up in work we forget to celebrate what else we do in life. It's time to remind ourselves just how clever we really are. Here's a list from me. It would be interesting to find out what hidden talents others have, so feel free to leave a list and let's celebrate our other talents too!

1. Cooking - I can knock up a meal from an odd assortment of ingredients, but interestingly, it's never the same twice.

2. Life Drawing - I love to let loose on a sheet of paper, all those beautiful curves and shadows running riot on the paper, makes a great contrast to my day job.

3. Sewing - Yes, I've been known to make clothes from scratch, particularly fancy dress costumes, not sure I'd show the pictures though!

4. Interior Design - I did an interior design course once, just out of interest, at Chelsea School of Art. I think I was rather good at it actually and it was great fun too!

5. Writing Poetry - I have a little book full of poems and song lyrics that I wrote some time ago, must do something with them one day!

6. Singing - At one point I sang in a pub or two...mmm, these days the more likely to be in the kitchen... say no more!

7. Cutting Hair - Yes, in lifetime faraway and long ago I  did a hairdressing apprenticeship, I still cut hair today...but only for the favoured few - snip, snip!

8. Folding - The family's washing is always beautifully folded and in nice neat piles. Tee shirts are a speciality and I've conquered fitted sheets too, oh dear, did I really say that!
